A personal indulgence but I find this topic fascinating and I believe it says so much about our culture and our values. New York Times journalist David Brooks (it took me a little while to place him from the PBS Newshour) has written a book called “The Social Animal”. As I have come to learn over the last few years, early childhood is so critical to the person we become and the types of decisions we make in the future and this book covers a fair bit of this. He talks about the power of the unconscious mind and its impact on our lives, also that the type of relationship a child forms with its mother is indicative of future relations a child will form. He also believes in the value of emotional, rather than logical, decisions, which be ascertains, form the foundation of who we are.
I can only hope that the more our society furthers this field of knowledge the more it can be incorporated into our educational system and our ways of parenting. Hopefully it can reverse the worrying trends we are seeing today in how our kids are raised.