Peak Oil Wars – Post Carbon Institute
fracking good news grommit
Start here if you don’t know the first thing about peak oil and why it is so important. This level aims to explain the basic premise and how it will impact the economy in 5 mins or less.
Click on each image to watch the corresponding video in a pop up box or alternatively click on the headline to go to the post that may contain a written explanation of the video in question. The grid at the bottom of the page works in much the same way but is also a representation of all the videos in this series. Just so you don’t miss out on anything.
fracking good news grommit
ABC Catalyst travels from Paris, to London, to the outer space like world that is deep sea drilling, to find out where we stand with our oil supply. Some disturbing comments from the previously tight lipped IEA. Extra material such as transcript, videos and extended interviews is available at the ABC Catalyst website To hear […]