Broadcast 12/12/2010 from The Armstrong & Miller show Series 2 Episode 6.
Armstrong & Miller – Climate vs Weather
Broadcast 12/12/2010 from The Armstrong & Miller show Series 2 Episode 6.
Climate Change, Climate Destabilisation, Climate Science, Hahaha - that's funny, VideoAnother Studio Joho video which I found amusing. Life in 8-bit form.
A mock rap video on the media and the fact that climate scientists themselves are rarely heard in the Climate Destabilisation debate. Hilarious and has a point. Gold. Thank you Hungry Beast and ABC. Ha. I’m still chuckling away.
I don’t mind swearing but if you do, click the link for the cleaner vid below. Also for the lyrics.
Safe for work version and lyrics here on youtube
Climate Change, Climate Destabilisation, Climate Science, Global Warming, Hahaha - that's funny, media, Peer Reviewed, Video